The Heart Within A Heart Caring™ Virtual 5K Cruise is a summer fun event sponsored by Heartfelt Dreams Foundation to raise awareness and funds in support of the Foundation’s mission to provide emotional, educational, and financial assistance to children and adults born with a congenital heart defect, their families and the medical professionals who care for these patients. Join us for fun to run, walk, skate, roll, swim, or boat in support of congenital heart disease patients. Together we can help with care and treatment needed for this life-long condition. Make strides with Heartfelt Dreams Foundation. Please join our Heartfelt Dreamers as together we strive to achieve our goal for the Virtual 5K Cruise to support the Foundation’s ability to provide financial assistance to congenital heart disease patients and their families, to further our contributions to specialized medical education programs and novel research initiatives, and to help ongoing funding for our cardiac care nursing scholarships.
Participate as an individual, partner with a friend or a pet, or join a team and seek sponsor donations. Please share your exciting Heart With A Heart Caring Virtual 5K Cruise photos and videos with Heartfelt Dreams Foundation as an expression of hope and happiness for the patients, doctors, and nurses dealing with the ongoing heart patient care and treatment. Virtual 5K Cruise prizes to be awarded include fastest run time (verified), most creative Heartfelt Dreamer participant, largest team, and most money raised. We hope that you have fun and enjoy our event!
Please register today — your registration includes a free event t-shirt. You may also purchase our Foundation bandana for you or your dog in our online store.